Tag Archives: Tone Poem

Errant Space Podcast #24 – Double bill with Abelard and Brad Hubbard

Here it is, the 24th Errant Space podcast! That’s two years of spacing out. Let’s celebrate with a double bill!

The first part of #24 features Abelard who plays guitars while I explore my “Errant Bass” alter ego. Just to mix things up, I decided to spend much of the last month getting back to my roots and playing bass guitar. I found the instrument lent itself quite well to the more soundscapey end of the ambient spectrum and this collaboration with Abelard is a good representation of some spacy goodness. It gets a little weird…

The second part of this month’s podcast goes in a completely different direction with me back on the guitar and featuring saxophonist Brad Hubbard playing electronic wind instrument (EWI) and baritone sax. Our collaboration resulted in some lovely mellow ambient tone poems. The first has Brad playing the EWI, creating nice electronic textures. And we wrap it up with Brad playing some beautiful baritone sax.

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Errant Space
Errant Space
Errant Space Podcast #24 – Double bill with Abelard and Brad Hubbard