Errant Space Podcast Seventy Two: Remote Variations 5 with BioMeSS

This month’s podcast is another in the Remote Variations series, featuring BioMeSS. Its a journey into deep sonic space; ranging from subtle drones to angular blasts of noise and amazing textures.

BioMechanical ShapeShifters (or BioMeSS for short) is the project of Floyd Bledsoe from Trenton, New Jersey. The name has been used for his electronic music experimentations since the early 1990s. The concept is that BioMeSS is not solo but a group consisting of various devices that create the soundwaves. The 2010s saw recordings start to appear on the internet and now there are over 90 albums available on the Bandcamp website with many containing several hours of music each. Styles range from quiet droning atmospherics to chaotic abstract noise and many spaces in between.

BioMeSS performing at Quinn’s in Beacon, NY Nov. 2019

This isn’t Floyd’s first appearance on the Errant Space Podcast! He was also part of podcast 59 with Quanum Elf.

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Errant Space
Errant Space Podcast Seventy Two: Remote Variations 5 with BioMeSS
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