Errant Space Podcast #35 – Getting out with Bonnie Kane

This month’s podcast features experimental musician Bonnie Kane.

Bonnie Kane at My Life in the Bush of Ghosts.

I first saw Bonnie perform at My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, and later had the pleasure of playing at her Thursday Experiment. Bonnie is a fearless improvisor and sonic explorer. She runs her saxophone and flute through a myriad of electronics into a guitar amp producing some fantastic, far-out sounds. This podcast is pretty far from ambient, it gets quite noisy and out, but its a fun ride! And remember, anything can be ambient if you turn it down low enough.

Below is a video of Bonnie and me at My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. That performance makes up the last part of the podcast. (Video courtesy of Bonnie Kane.)

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Errant Space Podcast #35 – Getting out with Bonnie Kane
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