Tag Archives: minimal

Errant Space Podcast Sixty Four: Five Improvisations with Sandy Santra

This month’s podcast features some beautiful, contemplative improvisations with pianist Sandy Santra. These recordings capture our first time playing together; I think there’s a special quality that comes through as we learn to communicate musically. And it’s always nice to play with an acoustic instrument, as I spend so much time in the world of electronics.

Sandy Santra was born in Pennsylvania in the late 1950s, grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, attended Reed College in the 1970s, and moved to New York City in 1996. He began playing piano at the age of five, improvising at the age of sixteen, and has recorded and performed as a solo pianist for over forty years. He has played with numerous ensembles on both coasts of the United States, and his new wave band Counter Parts performed all over the Bay Area in the early 1980s. He has also composed and recorded soundtracks for his own short films, and accompanied numerous dance ensembles. Additionally he is a professional photographer [source photo for header image courtesy of Sandy], award-winning filmmaker, and has lectured on technology in New York City and semiotics in London. His videos may be viewed at his YouTube channel, which includes all his performances during the “Play Me, I’m Yours: New York City 2010” piano festival. Sandy currently resides in Hudson Valley and is writing a novel.

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Errant Space Podcast Sixty Four: Five Improvisations with Sandy Santra