Tag Archives: Lucas Brode

Errant Space Podcast Eighty One: with Lucas Brode

This month’s podcast features guitarist Lucas Brode.

Lucas and I have know each other for a while, both of us being oddball musicians based in the Hudson Valley. We’ve had a few live collabos, but I’d never asked him to be on my podcast, because I tend to shy away from playing with other guitarists, perhaps out of a fear of redundancy.

However, our approaches to the instrument are very different, and Lucas is an amazing listener and improviser – I think the combo works quite well. This serves as a reminder for me to keep an open mind; the only way to know if something is going to work is to try it!
This is Lucas Brode, performing in Holyoke, MA.

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Errant Space
Errant Space Podcast Eighty One: with Lucas Brode