Tag Archives: Field Recording

Errant Space Podcast Sixty Eight: Quiet Village 3.0

This month’s podcast is a field recording of a very ambient solo performance at Quiet Village 3.0  which was a backyard show that took place September 27, 2020.

There’s a nice intimacy about this recording; you can hear the squeaks of my chair, the acoustic sound of my guitar and birds flying by. It fits well with the Quiet Village ethos of ambient music blending with the ambience of the environment.

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Errant Space
Errant Space Podcast Sixty Eight: Quiet Village 3.0

Errant Space Podcast #53: Sound/Peace 5

This month’s podcast is from a Sound/Peace performance at the Howland Cultural Center in Beacon, NY on August 2, 2019.

The performers were:
Katie Down: Metal and Glass Instruments
Mark Trecka: Piano, Bells and Voice
Thom Uliasz: Circuit Bent and Hand Made Electronics
Craig Chin: Guitar/Loops

Sound/Peace, an occasionally recurring series,  is an immersive sonic experience accompanied by the changing light of the setting sun. Musicians occupy the edges of the space, surrounding listeners in sound, the performance ends as darkness falls.

This is a field recording, so there’s a bit of room noise and shuffling about, but it captures the experience well.

For best results: listen in headphones, lying down, starting an hour before sunset.

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Errant Space
Errant Space Podcast #53: Sound/Peace 5

Errant Space Podcast #50: Comfort of Strangeness

This month’s podcast is a collaboration with Steve Roe. It is, as the title suggests, quite strange, incorporating found sounds, field recordings and drones.

Steve Roe is the founder of COUNCIL OF (POETIC) EXPERIMENTATION an art collective dedicated to the performance and publication of language based experimental works. His latest project, COMFORT OF STRANGENESS utilizes field recordings, live electronics and voice to create otherworldly soundscapes.

If you enjoyed this podcast, please SUPPORT Errant Space via Patreon.

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Errant Space
Errant Space Podcast #50: Comfort of Strangeness

Errant Space Podcast #39 – Equinox w/ Henry Lowengard

Podcast # 39 is a from a field recording of a collaborative performance with Henry Lowengard which took place as part of the Cocoon Theatre’s Soirees In the Parlor Series* on March 28, 2018. This one is a strange journey; it sounds as if it could be the imaginary score to a surrealist play or experimental film.

Henry Lowengard is an artist/musician and developer of music apps. Some of the apps featured in this performance are: Enumero, AUMI, Droneo and Ellipsynth. You can learn more about those and other apps Henry has created HERE.

The flyer and “score” for Equinox. By Henry Lowengard.

*The titular parlor is in the Cuneen-Hackett Arts Center, a historic Victorian building in downtown Poughkeepsie, NY

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Errant Space
Errant Space
Errant Space Podcast #39 – Equinox w/ Henry Lowengard